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Establishing the notion that one of the most important tenants in today's architecture is "form follows relationships."





Brand Identity

Brand Messaging

Event Promotions

Interactive Art

Announcements & Invitations

Website Design & Development

Print Collateral


Studio MELEE


Carolyn Jenison / CEO of SpeakPR

Strategy Consultation & Event Planning

Studio MELEE / Signage Development

Byron C. Jones / Photography



Form Follows Relationships

With 5 years of projects under their belt and running 7 architects strong, Studio Melee was ready to finally get their voice heard online and in front of their clients. We started with a discovery session and analysis of their brand's identity followed by building a platform for them to finally show off their projects and present the intricacies of their design philosophy to the world. Following the opportunity to develop their website, we provided signage, promotional invitations, an interactive art installation, and event management solutions for their 5th Anniversary Celebration and beyond.


2020 New Year Customer Touchpoint

Irony Or Prophetic Vision?

2019 was a great year for our relationship with Studio MELEE and their customers. It only seemed fitting to throw our backs into developing a memorable customer touchpoint in the form of a thank you card and limited edition screen printed poster mailing. Little did we know our breakup of the message utilizing snowflakes for the season would highlight the general feeling from most in relation to was "hell." But we got through it, right?



5th Anniversary Celebration Invite

Dusting Off The Old & Showing Off The New

Our initial entry point into our relationship with Studio MELEE was anchored by their need to celebrate their 5th Anniversary. This established the deadline for having the website up and running, and dusting off the old duds of the architecture firm to present the new shiny suit we developed for them. With the celebration around the corner, we developed an online tool to drive traffic to the new website to RSVP for the event. All materials incorporated the design elements already developed from the website with an expansion on some ideas to bring the whole approach into being.


5th Anniversary Timeline Signage

Photography / Byron C. Jones

Bringing Life To The Time It Takes

Our approach to the development of a graphic representation of Studio MELEE's project timeline over the last 5 years revolved around the simplicity of their logotype. The square construct formalizing 4/5 of the letters offered a center-point to anchor the myriad of images with. From here, we were able to use a more intuitive approach to the layout and enrich the pictorial plane with more information than previously anticipated. Studio MELEE handled the production of the finished product you see here in the project highlight.



5th Anniversary Guestbook Interactive Sculpture

Photography / Byron C. Jones

Refusing The Ordinary Approach

Easily hands down some of the most fun we have had onset and during the creative process. The basis for the creation of this "guestbook" came from experimenting with the simplicity of Studio MELEE's logotype. The horizontal and vertical construct of the letters offered an optical opportunity to simultaneously reinforce while evolving the typographic representation through interactive sculpture. Every guest was given a uniquely routed piece to insert into the base matrix of the relief sculpture to eventually complete the sculpture by the end of the event's festivities. It was a hit and as you can see, the end result was better than we imagined.

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