A little food shack serving veggie-focused delights inspired by the chef's travels throughout SE Asia. Sounds pretty perfect:)
Brand Identity
Web Design & Development
Brand Messaging
Menu Design & Development
Signage & Mural
Apparel Design
Harbinger Restaurant
Carolyn Jenison / CEO of SpeakPR
Strategy Consultation
Byron C. Jones / Photographer

The Audacity To Dream Of Making Something Better
When we met chef/owner of Harbinger restaurant, Joe Tripp, for the first time, it was behind the line running the kitchen for Alba. It wasn't until the 5th course that we had a chance to thank him for the amazing food, service, and hospitality. He was down to earth, brutally honest, and presented a callused wisdom beyond his years. It was a pleasure and even more so after receiving a call two years later from him wondering if we may be interested in helping him develop a logo for a new veggie focused concept he had inspired by his trips to SE Asia. Our response? Why stop at just doing a logo? Why don't you just let us buildout all of your customer facing branding? The rest is history painted on the brick wall.

Mural & Exterior Signage Development
Just The Right Touch Of Beige
Painted prominently on the brick wall facing the west side of 2724 Ingersoll Avenue is the full logotype we came up with for Harbinger. It integrates with the winding pipes and cords already present on the wall and utilizes a color palette complimentary to the existing location's paint color. Along with the Baron Neue Black typeface we chose are early spring tree branches weaving in and out of the letterforms to finish towards the bottom with flowers starting to bloom. This display offers a narrative that aims to help explain why this veggie focused food shack continues to dominate the culinary scene in the midwest. It's because they are always looking forward, trying new things, being sincere to offering seasonal freshness, and never wavering in their loyalty to education and personal growth.

Photography / Byron C. Jones
Creative Direction / Jeremiah Elbel
Bringing The Brand To Life Through The Camera Lens
With the brand elements established, there was one last essential project we needed to accomplish. We needed an amazing photographer that could help us document what was coming out of the kitchen, what the bartenders were mixing up, and capture team shots along the way. Thankfully, we found an amazing photographer by the name of Byron C. Jones that collaborated with our creative direction to develop assets we could utilize to buildout their website along with a substantial push to hype the restaurant through social media marketing.