Sometimes a fresh new perspective is what someone needs to realize their most important contribution lies in just being themselves.
Brand Identity
Brand Messaging
Website Design & Development
Apparel Design
The Greater Des Moines Botanical Gardens
Carolyn Jenison / CEO of SpeakPR
Strategy Consultation

Getting Back To Basics & Connecting To Their Roots
The leaders of Genesis Youth Foundation were looking to shake things up and dust off years of struggle to celebrate success in the new year. So logically, we started at the beginning. With our signature discovery analysis and brand messaging approach, we were able to uncover the essence of their brand and what they had been challenged to say to their audience. The new look and feel we developed highlights their African heritage, presents a bold, approachable platform, and gives them the voice they needed to sing louder than ever before. It always feels good knowing we can help others looking to galvanize their community, succeed in their mission, and realize their vision.

Genesis Football Club Apparel
Inspiring Kids Through Branding
Rarely, do we as designers get the privilege of watching what we make and do impact our client's audiences. It's usually pressed through a chinois of data analytics and infographic charts and wrapped up in a tidy acronym called ROI. The ROI in the case of this project highlight resided in seeing the expression of excitement and awe on the faces of the kids receiving their new jerseys for the first time. It was pure joy to watch and reaffirmed our philosophy that marketing and design is a uniquely one-on-one human experience meant to be engaged with and treasured intentionally...not passively. A kid can always dream right?

Website Design & Development
Learn. Play. Grow.
Simple as that.
The Genesis Youth Foundation's original website left much to be desired and did little to represent who they were and what they could offer to the parents and children they wanted to serve. So our first challenge to tackle was transforming that into a digital marketing vehicle that worked. Images and engaging photography of the kids learning, playing, and growing through the mentorship programming. We developed a platform to speak to donors, to present the unique events they had every month, and build functionality into the space for growth.